Why I love RUST


I never been so close and more engrossed in learning something so awesome in my life yet. I started coding in 8th standard, in 2016. With the resources i had, i started learning C programming and Python on a 2003 laptop i had with BOSS Linux (A modified version of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. That dopamine of learning something new, i haven't quite felt until i started using Rust as a language of choice.

I did some projects in it. Mainly the most important one of them being, MDM (Minimal Diary Manager). It was just a simple diary cli application where you can add some stuff as a simple string argument, and will add that in a file, and push it on a remote git repository. I really loved the way it turned out.

The whole project was done within 24 hours when i was supposed to be studying for my IN-Sems Examinations. (i didn't do well btw). But was passed somehow.

Rust has a excellent eco-system that helped me write code in a elegant and more safe way. I miss that thing whenever i write code in C++ or in Python for college stuff.

  • LordOfWizard

201 Words
